Local Experience Project: and the new Client Experience becomes reality


Empowering and engaging managers

A successful change cannot be one that is imposed. Because of this, the deployment of the Experience model must absolutely seek maximum ownership by the teams on the ground. They must understand the reasons for the transformation, take ownership of the model and embody it on a daily basis. This is the whole point of the local experience project: a local variation and adaptation of the model, driven by management and supported by the teams.

From the Client Experience project to the local Client Experience project

Setting up a local experience project means inviting managers to change their operational management and their commercial leadership of their team to put the new experience model at its heart.

Eminently empowering, the approach consists of appropriating the experience model (service attitudes, the promise, the moments of truth) in order to integrate it into their day-to-day actions and therefore into the day-to-day actions of their team:

  • How to embody and disseminate the postures to be adopted?
  • How should the point of sale be adapted? And more generally, the physical organisation of the team?
  • How to ensure that the new reflexes are acquired and mastered?
  • How to organize the follow-up and the managerial animation? How to assess the quality of the proposed experience?
  • What posture should the manager adopt with their team?

Putting the new Experience model at the heart of daily management action in the field is the objective to be reached in order to make the transformation real and perceived by the customers.

The local Experience project: a complete kit for the managerial animation of a business unit

The local Experience project is based on a suite of tools and methods that we compile together. It is a synthesis of everything your managers and employees need to initiate the transformation, and is based on:

  • The new experience model, its structure, its purpose, its characteristics…
  • An assessment of the team’s relational maturity in order to identify the points of support and anticipate the points of vigilance
  • A sensory audit to re-learn how to think about the customer, to free oneself from bad habits and to rediscover a demanding view of one’s actions
  • An exhaustive presentation of all the resources available for deployment. This ranges from the project’s training plan to the support expected from the Ambassadors, via the internal communication plan
  • A local roadmap that management is invited to write in order to organise and structure its action, while giving it legibility
  • Deployment indicators, to be put in perspective with the results and performance of the team

The kit is therefore made up of tools specific to your managerial uses, enhanced by the key elements of the project and which can be completed and reinforced by specific tools from the Académie du Service.

What makes the difference

Because transforming a customer culture is still too often an abstract effort, the local Experience project serves to guide and structure the action of Managers. It is also an illustration of the importance of supporting the teams in the field.

Enhanced by Lookey, the Client Experience management application developed by the Académie du Service, the local project becomes mobilizing, concrete and even fun. For managers and teams alike.

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